Wagtime's Basic Dog Training Programs for
Good Dog Manners
Private Dog Training Held Conveniently at Your Home
The goal of all of Wagtime’s training is to train you and your puppy to be able to live as happy companions for the life of your pet.
Linda introduces your dog to progressive training exercises while teaching and demonstrating to you how she handles & trains your dog.
Linda then works with you and your dog together so you can continue to practice the lessons you both have learned.
Throughout all sessions, Linda teaches you how to build a healthy, loving and humane dog-owner relationship so that your puppy respects, trusts & listens to you.
The focus of all training is about
PREVENTING future dog behavior problems
through educating dog owners with their dogs.
Good Dog Manners is offered as:
A) Pay per each Single Private Session: $125 each
B) 2-Discounted Package Programs:
1- Good Dog Manners - BASIC SKILLS Training Package of 3-sessions (described below) for $300
2- Good Dog Manners - FULL FOUNDATION Training Package of 6-sessions (described below) for $500
All sessions of Good Dog Manners include teaching you to:
be a calm, loving, consistent and trustworthy leader to your dog
understand how dogs communicate vs how humans MIS-communicate to their dogs
know how to get your dog’s attention and willing obedience without yelling or nagging your dog
Both these programs focus on simple training exercises that build communication, trust and cooperation between you and your dog for the life of your dog
Many dog owners are giving their dog the wrong messages about how their dog is expected to behave as well as about whom is really in control in your household
Most dogs just need sensible training based on the dog’s instincts in order to become a good, well manned house dog
Whether Single Private Sessions or Discounted Package Sessions:
Your private sessions are always tailored for your and your dog's needs
All first sessions are about 90 minutes
Follow up sessions are about 60 minutes each
1- Good Dog Manners:
BASIC SKILLS Training Package of 3-sessions
For dogs at least 5 months to older dogs of any age
This 3-session program builds BASIC SKILLS that teach your dog to:
focus patiently and politely while learning to want to work,
sit, down and stay
come quickly when called
PLUS you learn how to prevent, control & resolve 1 or more behavior issues of your choice such as
play biting,
jumping on people or furniture,
destructive chewing,
stealing items
(* The 3-Session BASIC SKILLS Training Package does NOT include learning to walk on leash. Leash walking is ONLY covered in the FULL FOUNDATION Training Package of 6-sessions.)
Fees for Good Dog Manners:
BASIC SKILLS TRAINING Package of 3-Sessions
2 ways to Pay:
A - Fee for each Single In-Your-Home Training Session is $125
B - Discounted Fee Package of 3-Sessions (Prepaid in Full ONLY) is $300
The discounter value for each session is ONLY $100
* Saves You $75! off 3-Single Private Sessions
2- Good Dog Manners:
FULL FOUNDATION Training Package of 6-sessions
The focus of this private in-your-home course of 6-session package is to lay a full foundation of training that all dogs need to build reliable good dog manners while resolving most common dog behavior issues*
It includes the first 3 sessions in the BASIC Skills Training Package (above)
Plus 3 additional sessions to train your dog's reliability in real life situations:
to “walk” politely on leash (walking on leash is only offered with 6 session package)
to "move" out of your way (instead of tripping you!)
to respond to you quickly when called (especially from away from distractions!)
Patiently “stay” or “wait” at doors, instead of bolting through them
Resolving common canine behavior problems
(*If your dog has chronic, extensive or destructive behavior problems, your dog may need the training approaches that are in Wagtime's Behavior Problem Private Programs.)
Fees for Good Dog Manners:
FULL FOUNDATION Training Program of 6-Sessions
2 ways to Pay:
A - Fee for each Single In-Your-Home Training Session is $125
B - Discounted Fee Package of 6-Sessions (Prepaid in Full ONLY) is $500
A great value at $100 per each session with the 6th Session FREE!
* Pre-paying in Full Saves you $125! off 6-Private-Pay-Per-Each Sessions
* If your dog has chronic, extensive or destructive behavior problems, your dog needs the training approaches that are in Wagtime's Behavior Problem Private Programs.