Wagtime's Solution for
Many Dog Behavior Problems:
Doggy Impulse Control
Private Dog Training at Your Home
The goal of all of Linda’s training is to train you and your dog to be able to live in happy home companionship.
Linda introduces your dog to progressive training exercises while teaching and demonstrating to you how she handles & trains your dog.
Linda then works with you & your dog together so you can continue to practice the lessons you both have learned.
Throughout all sessions, Linda teaches you how to build a healthy, loving and humane dog-owner relationship so that your dog respects, trusts & listens to you.
Doggy Impulse Control
What you need to know...
Many dogs are impulsive, highly energetic, over or hyperactive, even obnoxious.
Commonly, dog owners are wrongly told that they just aren't exercising their dogs enough...
But these dogs do NOT need MORE exercise. (Although they do need some exercise.)
Since you are still looking for help, more exercise hasn't actually been working, is it?
That's because more & more exercise has only been making your dog into a better athlete with more endurance!
A dog with Doggy Impulse Control is much more than your dog behaving with pet manners & being polite.
Doggy Impulse Control makes living with your dog SAFER
- for both you & for your dog:
No bolting out of the front door
No running loose down the street into traffic
No jumping on you, your family, your guests
No bumping into you
No tripping you or getting under foot
No knocking over your guests or family members
Doggy Impulse Control teaches your dog:
the self control your dog seems to be born lacking
to respecting & listen to you
because your dog happily wants to follow your commands as the leader of your household.
What your dog really needs is to learn how to:
Leaping Lizards!
you need this energy on command!
control their reckless excitement
calm their emotional impulses
stay focused on you
listen for & obey your commands
patiently wait to get what they want
Situations that we generally train for:
not to bolt through front door when guests or deliveries arrive
to "move" out of your way
to "wait" at all doors until given permission to walk through
to wait politely to be fed
to wait before getting in & out of cars
to patiently sit & wait to greet you, family & guests
Doggy Impulse Control is focused training for more difficult dogs.
This 6-session program usually resolves the majority of dog behavior problems!
Most dogs just need Wagtime's highly successful basic training in order to become a well mannered dog because they need to be motivated differently to behave like a good house dog
Most dog owners just need Wagtime's very important teachings on how they, the dog's owners, are giving their dog the wrong messages about how their dog is expected to behave and about whom is really in control in your household while being zen cool and calm
This is program is designed to teach your dog how to gain self control to manage their emotional impulses and physically expressed excitement.
It is customized to manage your overactive and often unpredictable dog while retraining to resolve your dog's unsafe bad habits.
Doggy Impulse Control Fees
2 ways to pay:
1 - Pay $125 per each Single In-Your-Home Private Training Session
2 - Prepay $500 (IN FULL ONLY) for the Discounted Program Package of 6-Sessions
A great value at $100 per each session with the 6th Session FREE!
* Pre-paying in Full Saves you $125! off 6-Private-Pay-Per-Each Sessions