Wagtime's Private Training Sessions
with Behavior Modification Training for
Your Dog's Behavior Issues
Believe it or not, most of the "bad" behaviors that your dog does are completely normal dog behavior.
"Bad" dogs are just doing what comes naturally for dogs.
Those "bad" behaviors went from once being normal & even cute when your dog was young to becoming annoying and obnoxious, to excessive and even destructive.
The reality is, it's likely that it's your own fault that your dog is now a "bad" dog.
But we can excuse you for not being educated enough about preventing some of these problems, especially now that you are correcting that.
In order to successfully change this situation, you need the awareness that your dog has these behavior issues because you actually allowed, even encouraged & rewarded the very behaviors that now cause you to curse your dog
For example, when your labradoodle was a puppy, it was cute, sweet & heart touching when you came home and she/ he excitedly greeted you by jumping all over you
Until at 6 months she/ he jumps on you while you are wearing an expensive suit or dress with stockings and high heels to go to a special meeting or event
You are furious at your 6 month old labradoodle because your dress now has paw prints and dog hair all over and your only pair of pantyhose has runs
It's useless to blame your dog for growing up to be the dog you "spoiled" or unintentionally trained into becoming "bad"
"Bad" dog behaviors are simple unwanted habits
If you are willing to change your own habits that have not just allowed but actually encouraged your dog's "bad" habits, the sooner your dog will have "good" dog habits
The fact that you are reading this means you are responsible and love your dog enough to educate yourself to train your dog to make the changes necessary to have a dog with the "good" habits we call manners.
What a good dog owner / parent you are!
Wagtime has many training solutions for excessive fearfulness, obnoxious & destructive behavior problems such as:
Destructive Chewing
Grabbing and Playing with Leash
Guarding Toys or Food
Jumping on People
On and Off Furniture
Play Biting
Stealing and Chewing Non-dog Articles (clothing, shoes, personal objects, etc)
Table and Counter Surfing
And other issues...
After understanding what unwanted behaviors you want to change in your dog, Linda will help you structure a short term management approach so you can better control your dog and help prevent these unwanted issues
Management is initially necessary to provide safety for your dog, as well as for you, your family and guests
Just as importantly, good management prevents the repetition (practice!) of your dog’s unwanted behaviors, while we retrain your dog to behave in the ways that you prefer
Basic obedience skills are used to build a more effective communication between you and your dog so we can train safer, healthier ways for your dog to behave
You then develop a healthier relationship with your dog based on the proper use of positive reinforcement so that your dog can learn to behave like a good house dog
Most dog owners need Wagtime's very important teachings on how they, the dog's owners, are often giving their dog the wrong messages:
about how their dog is expected to behave
about whom is really in control in your household
You will learn how to be a good and loving leader,
while remaining zen cool and calm.
Behavior Modification Training Fees
2 ways to pay:
A - By each single Private Session for $125 each
B - Pre-paid Discounted Package of 6-Sessions for ONLY $500
This discounted 6-session package focuses on addressing the under lining triggers and causes of the dog’s unwanted behaviors combined with teaching the dog’s people the short term management and leadership skills that are needed to assist them in resolving their dog’s behavior issues long term.
A great value at $100 per each session with the 6th Session FREE!
* Pre-paying in Full Saves you $125! off 6-Private-Pay-Per-Each Sessions
Behavior Modification Training alone is NOT meant for
Impulsive, Out of Control or Hyperactive Dogs
Aggressive Dogs or Fear Reactive Dogs.
These are much more difficult and serious behavior problems
that need more cautious & safer approaches for a longer duration of time.